You've written your book. Now what?
A personal letter from me, to you.
Hi soon-to-be author,
My name is Dave Thompson.
I am the founder of Inspirational Book Writers.
We believe our words can change the world.
We believe our words can change the world. As leaders, if we don't speak up, if we don't share the magic, the know-how, the wisdom inside of us, then as Wayne Dwyer says, we will die with the music still inside us.
It's so important that you share your message with the world.
You’ve got a big mission.
You see the problems out there. You see the people hurting through lack of knowledge, lack of a compelling vision, lack of know-how, lack of consciousness, and you have the gold to help them!
Of course, when I say ‘you’ve got the gold’, I’m referring to the unique talent, skills, knowledge, methodology, modality, principles, tactics, strategy or stories (or a combination of all of the above) that you’ve gained or been blessed with - this is the unique gold that we want to capture in your book.
Throughout human history, books have stood the test of time as humanity's primary way of passing down wisdom.
This is your opportunity to contribute to humanity's evolution, while simultaneously taking your authority, credibility, influence, income and impact in your industry to a whole new level. Your inspirational book is your golden handshake, that will open doors to wherever you want to go. Whether that means using your book to attract high-ticket clients, selling bulk copies internationally as you speak on different stages around the world, or as grass-roots as your book making an impact on your local community - I have seen it time and again - books have the power to accelerate your personal and business evolution.
Publish + Launch has been specifically built for revolutionary change-makers, creative transformational rebels, passionate, dynamic, intelligent, tapped in, connected entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches and inspiring humans with a game-changing story, set of ideas or methodology, framework, tools or message that people need to hear. If that is you - you have come to the right place.
We have built the Publish + Launch program FOR YOU.
We have worked with 300+ experts across dozens of niches, since 2014.
If this page, and our approach to publishing resonates with you, I sincerely hope we can collaborate to give wings to your inspirational book.
If you have any questions after reading the material on this page, you can email me direct at
I look forward to hearing from you, and making your book a great success.
Best regards,
Dave Thompson
At Inspirational Book Writers (IBW), we use a modern, hybrid publishing model to bring books to the world.
This means we bring together the best of traditional publishing, and the best of self-publishing. Traditional publishing is great because you get a high quality product, but it’s tough to get a publishing deal unless you already have a big following (like 50k subscribers +). Traditional publishers do it this way, because you are a profit centre for them - unless they can make profit off you and your book sales, they are not interested. On top of that, traditional publishers will take the majority of your royalties. You might end up with $2 from the sale of a $20 book. Plus, it can take 18-36 months to complete the process, and your writing often gets heavily edited, altering your natural voice. For the majority of coaches, experts, speakers and entrepreneurs who value freedom and independence, the traditional publishing model doesn’t make sense because it means giving up too much control (if you can get a deal at all).
On the other side of the industry, self publishing can be great because it is fast to market - you can get a book live in weeks, not years. You keep 100% of the royalties, and you get 100% of the creative control, and you retain 100% ownership of the copyright. However, it can be difficult if you don’t have an established team of experts to guide you through the complex publishing process. Finding quality editors, formatters and a cover design team can be a bit hit or miss as well, and can take your time, your energy and your focus to project manage the book production process. Our internal company checklist has 180 tasks that need to be completed for every book. Some steps are more complex than others, but if you did it yourself, you would have to find out what the steps are, then learn how to take each step! The backend details of publishing a book often stop a lot of people in their tracks, meaning some great books with great messages never see the light of day.
Are guided through a precision engineered, step-by-step process where you literally just need to take ‘one step at a time’ (of course the high achievers will take step after step after step - and we encourage that too).
Keep 100% of the royalties. When you make sales of your book on your website, Amazon, iBooks, Kobo or any of the other platforms, you keep all the royalties. They get sent directly from the retailer platform to your bank account. They don’t flow through IBW, and we don’t take a cut. (This is BIG - a lot of other publishers will take a cut of your royalties). We operate on a fee-for-service model, where you pay us once for our program, and you get 100% of the financial upside and benefit from your book - for the rest of time.
You retain 100% of the copyright and creative control. A lot of our authors have a strong creative flair, and know that the key to a great book, and indeed building your personal brand and business off a book, is to let your natural, spirited voice out onto the page. If that means allowing some creative embellishments that technically aren’t perfect English, but are perfect for you - we are fully behind that.
You get a high quality product that you are proud of. Our expert team of editors, formatters, cover designers and project managers work together and colloborate with you, to ensure a high quality book you are proud to go to the world with.
You get our expert guidance and support to launch your book to best-seller. We have launched over 250+ Amazon Best Sellers, and you will be the next!
If you have a business, we show you how to monetize your book, get exponential ROI and accelerate your business evolution.
Publish a high quality book, with professional editing, formatting, and cover designs that make people go WOW.
Launch your book to great success, as you receive professional guidance on how to Launch your book, in a way that will best suit your purpose, your vision and your message.
We use a done-for-you approach to the publishing of your book. We have an expert team that will take loving care of your masterpiece at every step of the publishing journey, through editing, formatting and cover designs. The Launch stages are done-with-you, meaning you receive expert coaching, guidance and support from our team as you prepare and execute your launch.
As Zapheria Bell, IBW author of the international best-selling Blue Diamond Souls book, famously once said
“I feel like if I just hang around you guys long enough, my book will pop out of me!”
Sure enough, 12 weeks after starting with us, Zapheria launched her book to international best seller status in the USA and Australia.
Got a big message the world needs to hear?
Publish + Launch was built for YOU.
Specifically, you are a revolutionary change-maker, a creative, transformational rebel, a passionate, dynamic, intelligent, tapped in, connected entrepreneur, speaker, therapist, healer, educator, coach, consultant, or inspiring human with a game-changing story, set of ideas or methodology, framework, tools or message that people need to hear - if that's you, you have come to the right place!
If you wrote your book with IBW at our Online Book Writing Intensive event, Publish + Launch is the next step for you to continue the momentum and see your book through to completion.
If you have a manuscript that is 60% or more complete and you are well on your way to completion, Publish + Launch is for you. It has everything you need to feel confident that you've written a superb book, publish it, and launch it to great success.
The truth is – you could spend weeks and months and even years trying to do it yourself - I know you're a smart cookie - and I'm sure you could figure it out given enough time.
But trying to figure out how to publish your book in a confusing publishing industry that has just as many exceptions as general rules is a pain and drain that most smart humans know it's easier to get expert help, so it's done right.
Save yourself the headache and expense, and join the Publish + Launch vortex where publishing success is just what we do.
"Dave Thompson's Inspirational Book Writers delivered on every promise. Need a creative and nurturing space to write in? - done. Need support, encouragement, collaboration and challenge to turn your book from a mess of ideas into a finished book? - done. Need to know how to market and launch your book and become an Amazon Best Seller? - done. I always thought it would be hard to write and publish a book. It wasn't. It was far easier than I imagined and it's because Dave and his team make it that way."
Award-Winning Leadership Coach, Linkedin Top Voice and 4-time Amazon Best Selling Author.
Our Proprietary, Precision Engineered, Done-for-you Publishing System
Publishing and launching a book is often overwhelmingly challenging - unless you are following a process. In building our process in 2014, IBW Founder Dave Thompson employed his father, Steve, a legendary project management engineer, to work with us to develop IBW's precision-engineered publishing process.
Your book will pass through 13 major stages, encompassing 184 tasks that are involved in the production of each book. Don't worry - our team take care of these steps for you. As our publishing manager Davina Davidson says, "Most first time authors have no idea what goes on behind the scenes, and it's best that way. Let us handle the details and you focus on what you do best."
Our world class coaching team is what sets IBW apart. We know books, and we know business.
Our coaching team has decades of experience, and we know the inner journey of writing a book is often even bigger than knowing the strategic steps to take make your book a success.
We know what shifts are required, we can see where you need to grow, or what step you need to take to get where you want to go.
We frequently get feedback that the twice weekly business coaching sessions we hold are worth the price of admission just on their own, let alone the full book production process that is included as well!
Hi! I'm Dave Thompson, founder of the Inspirational Book Writers and the master at making ideas REAL in the physical world. I can ‘see’ and ‘feel’ your book oftentimes even before you can, with a clarity and precision of the message coming through for you. With a background as a lawyer, and with 13+ years in the personal growth industry, I know what it takes on every level to write a unique, well-positioned book that accelerates your authority, impact and income. Since 2014, I’ve helped over 300 people bring inspirational, bestselling books to the market from coaches like Deidre Sirianni, Dane Tomas, Sigourney Weldon, Joanne Antoun, Michele Jones, Jean Sheehan, Salena Kulkarni, Stacey Ashley and Em Cambell-Pretty.
Davina Davidson, IBW Publishing Manager, has been hands-on in leading over 200 authors to write, publish and launch their best-selling books. She is known as ‘The Oracle’ for her other-worldly wisdom and intuition, which has added a special touch to the books she has supported. Davina is also a 2-time published, best-selling author, including the hit title: Resilient As F*ck; the subtle art of bending not breaking.
You are stepping into a community who buy each others books.
Who cross-promote each others offers.
Who appear as guests on each others podcasts.
Who support each others launches.
Our community culture of championing success is a cornerstone of our program.
Everything you need to Publish + Launch your inspirational, best-selling book.
Read, Review and Give Me Feedback session (Value $4000)– This is our high level review of your manuscript. We are looking for overall structure, flow, links between ideas, consistency, feedback on what you're doing great, on what could be improved, as well as any ideas of what would take your manuscript next level.
Detailed line-by-line Copy Edit by our experienced editors (Value $4400). Our team of editors are specially chosen for their ability to add 'gloss & shine' to your work, while honouring and uplifting your natural voice. This edit takes care of spelling, grammar, punctuation, tenses, highlights bits that don't make sense, and flags any comments for your attention. We include copy editing for up to 40,000 words, so if your manuscript is bigger than that, budget for an additional $70AUD/1000 words. (Additional editing fees are payable when editing actually commences).
Professional Formatting, Type-Setting and Layout for ebooks and paperback (Value $1500). Our formatting process involves understanding your requirements, producing a sample, adjusting as required, and then rolling out the fully formatted manuscript. Our formatting team learnt their trade at a big traditional publisher so you know you're getting quality.
Professional Cover Designs (Value $1500) We believe it is important to invest in cover design, because people do judge a book by its cover! We think it is bad form that some of our competitors charge $20k for a book publishing package, then get the cover done for $5 on Fiverr! We invest in our covers. Our cover design team is trained in brand marketing, and they understand business and personal branding. This means your cover will POP and be a hit when it launches.
Full guidance and instructions at each step of the publishing journey (Value $2000). At each step of the publishing journey, we send you clear and precise instructions for how to approach your feedback. This includes a clear list of questions on items we need your input on, where relevant. This guidance will save you heaps of time and stop you running around in circles, because you will know exactly what to laser focus on to keep your project moving forward.
The Cover Jam Workshop (Value $500), one of our signature Workshops to help you visualise, strategise and create the vision for your epically compelling cover design. If you can draw a stick figure, you have sufficient creativity to attend this Workshop!
The Rockstar Book Title Workshop (Value $500), one of our signature Workshops to help you visualise, strategise and create a rockstar title, and sub-title combination for your book.
5 x Paperback Proof Copies shipped express to your address (Value $100). There is nothing like the awe and excitement that is inspired by holding physical copies of your book in your hands for the first time! We print and ship you 5 x proof copies, you complete the "The Proof Copy Review" and let us know if there's any final changes before you print 100s or 1000s of copies and it goes live to the world!
ISBNs and ISBN barcodes for print and ebook (Value $50). One of the annoying detail steps that you won't have to concern yourself with - let us guide to get your International Standard Book Numbers and barcodes easily.
Global Online Distribution (Value $500). The aim is to make your book available to as many people in as many countries as possible, in whatever format they desire. Set up on Lulu Press is done-for-you, with set up on Amazon KDP done-with-you. Amazon is the world's largest online book retailer, with over 550 million credit cards on file, ready for a one-click purchase. Customers will be able to buy your masterpiece in either ebook or paperback format. (Hardcovers are also available for a small extra set up fee).
Expanded, Global Distribution (Value $500). Once your book goes live, we activate Global Distribution which sees your book made available in large global online databases of books. We don't guarantee which major online retailers will pick up your book, but many of our book writers are listed on, and similar.
Print-On-Demand Printing Set Up (Value $250) - Some publishers make you sink $$$$ by having you order 1000 copies, even if you don't need that many physical copies. We set you up with a print-on-demand printer network, that has printers in all corners of the globe. You get access to author copies at cost (we never mark up the price, what it costs to print is what you pay), and if you are travelling, speaking at a conference or need books shipped to a client overseas or interstate, you can just login in and get your book sent direct from the printer to where it needs to go - you don't need to hold stock unless you want to. Also - there is no minimum order quantity. Order 20 books or 20,000 books, it is up to you. This feature is also great for cash flow - you can do a promotion - know exactly how many books you've sold, and print that exact number, with no wastage.
2-Times per Week: Publishing Check-ins LIVE on ZOOM. Want to check in live on zoom with us? Join us for either or both of the live coaching sessions that we hold each week, as we do publishing updates at each. If you can't attend live, catch the recording for all the latest. One of these sessions is with Davina, the other with Dave, as listed below:
One-year access to weekly Intuitive Book & Business Coaching group sessions with Davina Davidson (Value $10,000). Davina is known as "The Oracle", because of her rare gift of dropping the exact piece of wisdom, exactly when you need it. Book covers, book titles, business growth and personal happiness all crystalise after Davina's weekly "The Oracle Hour" Sessions.
One-year access to weekly Q&A Live Group Session with IBW Founder Dave Thompson (Value $10,000). The weekly group session has one objective: to make your book a great success. We discuss publishing tips, book marketing strategies, and coaching to help you make the internal shifts required for your dream outcome to materialise.
3-Times per Week: Accountability Check-ins in the private FB Group (Value $1800). You get to report your progress 3 times every week in the Facebook Group. This will be HUGE in helping you to keep up the momentum, get unstuck and make those micro-decisions that keep you moving. It's not compulsory to check-in at all of these - but we do find that the most successful and productive book writers are the ones checking in the most often!
You own 100% of the creative control, 100% ownership of the copyright, and 100% of the royalties (book profits) are yours (Value $1000). This is BIG. It's rare to find a publishing business that operates the way we do. We believe in empowering you, and the best way to do that is for you to be 100% in control of your book project. What that means is - while we guide you and make recommendations on all stages of your book, you retain the final say on covers, title, language used etc. You retain 100% ownership of your work - the copyright is 100% yours. You keep 100% of the royalties (profits from sales of your books) - the royalties do not pass through IBW, and we do not take a margin - 100% of the profits and proceeds that come from the book are yours to keep, for the lifetime of the book.
Recognition as an IBW book on the back cover (Value $500). We've published over 300 books since 2014, and our brand has a great reputation in the marketplace for deep, powerful, transformational books that make an impact. You'll be in great company with over 300 experts in their field that have published books with us.
The aim is to produce a high-quality book that you are proud of sharing with the world.
Done-With-You: 3 x Live Online Workshops teaching you “The Best Seller Book Launch 4-Step Strategy” (Value $1500). We have such an extraordinary track record of our authors going best seller, because they all implement our 4-Step Strategy for launching a best seller. The strategy can be applied to any book, on any topic, in any niche, and works whether you have a big following or not. This is THE SECRET SAUCE for learning the steps to orchestrate a best-seller launch. If you can't attend live, these sessions are recorded of course!
Done-For-You: Book Launch Promotion & We Buy Your Book (Value $1500)– during your launch, we will buy your book, and promote it through all of our social media channels. IBW has a list of followers who love our authors' messages, and who eagerly await every new IBW book release. Many of our authors based outside of Australia find they go best-seller in Australia, just based on the support of our followers, even if the author has zero connections here! We will even leave you a 5-star review of your book.
Done-For-You: Book Launch Support (Valued at $1000) – when the big day comes, we will be there to support you in the background, for moral, technical and strategic support! We give you updates on your rankings as well as live, in-the-moment strategic moves you could make to create even more success. This support includes getting those #1 Amazon screenshots for you.
Done-For-You: 30 minute One-on-One Launch Strategy Call with an IBW Book Coach (Value $1500). Once you have attended the 3 x Live Workshops and understand the foundations of launching, it is time to tailor the strategies to your book. This session is GOLD. It is an activator, and you will leave BUZZING with confidence, clarity and excitement about your launch.
Success Case Studies Videos from Past Successful IBW Authors (Value $400). In our membership area, we break down step by step, piece by piece, some of the most successful book launches in IBW history. These are short but powerful videos, showing you exactly HOW they launched their books to success, so you can model excellence and be inspired by their strategies.
Done-With-You: Sell Direct To Reader via your website (Value $1000) – wanting the freedom and sovereignty of having full control over your book? Selling direct to reader via your website means you keep all the royalties and customer email addresses. We show you how with our training on selling direct.
Done-For-You: Amazon Category Analysis (Value $3000) – this is THE KEY to hitting the Amazon Best Seller Lists. Get the categories wrong and you can be lost in the sea of millions of books on Amazon. We use special software that searches the thousands of categories on Amazon to find the very best positions for your book to ensure it gets noticed, and featured, on Amazon's Best-Seller Lists and Hot New Release Lists.
Done-With-You: Amazon Author Central bio page set up (Value $100). When prospects visit your book's product page on Amazon for the first time, having a solid, authoritative, "put your best foot forward" author bio page with your author photo, is a great way to add further credibility.
Access to the IBW Publish & Launch private author's community for 12 months (Value $1200), with like-minded leaders from all over the world. Our people are based in Australia, Canada, USA, UK and Europe, and in Asia. We have some Australians, who had no prior connections in Canada, going best seller in Canada, based purely off the support of our Canadian authors! And vice versa with the other nationalities in our group. We have a strong culture of supporting each other, and many joint ventures are made through our community. The networking, connections and support you will receive from our group is worth the price of admission on its own!
The IBW Publish + Launch Membership Area (Value $2995)- get 12 months access to our exclusive member's area. This is our secret stash full of “Book Launch Success Kit of Resources” – comprising tools, templates and ideas for launching, that we have accumulated over the last 9+ years of successfully launching books.
Publish + Launch package
Total value: $46,595
Your investment is $14,995 AUD.
Join us by 21 February 2025 and receive these bonuses:
(Bonus inclusions value $12,735)
We offer an upfront special rate, weekly or monthly payment plans.
Select your preferred plan below.
Pay In Full Special
The PIF investment is
$14,995 AUD
*Best rate for PIF
Finance can be obtained to publish and launch your book, through our partner Kelly Bowen at Australian Lifestyle Finance, from $67/week.
*Open to Australian residents only. Email Dave at
If you’d like some 1:1 help with your book, book a time to chat with Dave Thompson directly on the link below. Dave will discuss your book idea with you, see whether we’re a good fit for each other, and if so, talk about potential next steps.
© 2025 Inspirational Book Writers