Write Your Book in 2025!
Get your ticket at the best offered price before prices rise soon!
Early Bird available until 4 April 2025 - use the code "2025" at checkout for $500 off!
It's time.
You know you've got a book inside you.
Everyone tells you "you should write a book" or they are already saying "we want your book!".
Your heart wants to make that big impact on the world. Leave your legacy. Help people. Claim your authority and credibility in the marketplace as a coach, healer, consultant, speaker, or entrepreneur.
You know you've got a valuable story, set of skills, a modality or methodology, that only YOU can deliver in your unique way. Your message and book is here to solve people's problems, uplift communities, and raise the consciousness of the planet.
Lofty ideals - but if not you - then who?
And if not now, then when?
If you want world-class support, guidance and coaching to get that book out of you and into the world, and you've got the courage to do what it takes to produce an outstanding book, you've come to the right place.
Ready for the truth...?
If you're a leader in your space and you haven't published your book yet: Why not?
The reasons don't matter.
All that matters is you're on this page, and now is the time.
Now is the time to decide your book is done.
Now is the time to get expert advice on all aspects of your book, so you know what you're putting out is on-point.
Now is the time for you to make an IMPACT, and change the world with your words, knowing that it's going to change people's lives for the better, SOLVE THEIR PROBLEMS and raise the consciousness of humanity.
The world right now is in a state of chaos.
People are in desperate need of "a new way". And I'm not talking about the supposed new normal either - I'm talking about genuine, bona fide, heart centred solutions, stories, perspectives, insights and frequencies that come from a solid human standing in integrity - this is what the world WANTS and NEEDS.
This represents a huge opportunity for you, to write your book and get it out into the world in a BIG way.
To make a difference, make an impact, and in doing so, claim the authority and credibility that is rightly yours as a leader in your space.
Yes it's about the book. And you absolutely get a book at the end of this.
And - it's about so much more than a book.
It's about claiming your leadership, opening up your voice, staking your claim as the enigma of your industry. The shift in your authority and credibility with your book is palpable. You will 100% transform as a result of writing a book with us. I guarantee it. It is impossible not to.
So - if you’ve been getting the nudge for sometime now that you ABSOLUTELY MUST write your book – AND you’ve been looking for the place and space to land it, to actually get it done - you’ve come to the right place.
The offer for The Online Book Writing INTENSIVE is simple: join us to write your book in a week. The Intensive is built for revolutionary change-makers, creative transformational rebels, for passionate, dynamic, intelligent, tapped in, connected entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches and inspiring humans with a game-changing story, set of ideas or methodology, framework, or tools that people NEED to hear.
Practically - the INTENSIVE is our signature event that we have run 38 times, and it has produced 300+ game-changing inspirational books since we began IBW in 2014.
This event is not for those faint-of-heart. And I unapologetically say that - because writing a book will require your best effort. It will require focus, dedication, commitment, and a strong implementation muscle - this is not a "oh I'll just go learn some stuff and feel good" course - this is for A-grade, legit epic humans who are done with excuses, who want it done, and who want to be held to the highest standards, guided with the best expert advice, so you can produce an outstanding book you are so proud of that you could spontaneously back flip you're that excited about it!
In the 7 day Intensive event, you'll be in a beautifully held 'book writing container', the only custom-built environment in the world designed to produce a book writer’s FLOW STATE. This February is the 38th time we have run this event.
How does a book get done in a week?
Aligned preparation. (We do this in the pre-work so you have confidence, clarity and direction on what you are writing)
FLOW STATE. Writer’s block and other such nonsense cannot exist in FLOW STATE. Stepping into the INTENSIVE ‘container’, you’ll experience a magic like no other. It’s a space of honesty, creativity and trust, of direct connection as the words pour through you. While it is an individual journey to write your book, we regularly get feedback that the group energy field is such a huge motivator. We have live check-ins with me and my book coaching team every 4 hours for the 7 days of the event, so regardless of your timezone, we have you covered with high-level, real-time coaching support.
This is how the INTENSIVE helps you write your book so beautifully and so fast.
You'll be working alongside other game-changing entrepreneurs writing their books, as well as some of IBW's clients will also attend as they complete their books and come back for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th or 9th books! (Yes we have clients coming back for a 9th book!)
The aim is to complete your draft manuscript of your book during the 7 days of the Intensive.
The aim is to have the bulk of the creativity and writing done, and momentum generated, such that you know in your heart and soul that the book is DONE, and all that is needed is to continue to follow the path ahead so the book comes to fruition.
HOT TIP FOR SUCCESS: The more you block off the TIME and SPACE for the week of the INTENSIVE, the easier it is to write your book in 7 days. You might even get it done in 2 or 3 days, like many of our book writers have done. Arrange your schedule so you’ve got the TIME and SPACE to make this happen.
The INTENSIVE is absolutely THE PLACE AND SPACE for inspiring leaders like you to write your inspirational, best-selling book that opens the door to your next level of authority, income and impact.
It’s you and me, plus my team of experienced support coaches, for the pre-work, 7 days of INTENSIVE book writing 2-8th JUNE 2025, and a week of follow up. We always attract a group of passionate, dynamic, game-changing humans all on a mission to get their words out into a book.
The Online Book Writing INTENSIVE was built for revolutionary change-makers, creative transformational rebels, for passionate, dynamic, intelligent, tapped in, connected entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches and inspiring humans with a game-changing story, set of ideas or methodology, framework, or tools that people NEED to hear. Your inspirational book is the golden-handshake that opens the door to opportunity for:
Coaches, speakers, leaders, entrepreneurs who know that publishing a book is an absolute POWER PLAY.
Speakers who want to explode their speaking profile and get on international stages with big name players by leveraging their book.
Up and coming coaches from all niches, that want a book to cement their authority and visibility in the marketplace, so they can get noticed and charge premium rates.
Health practitioners, educators of all modalities (especially if the transformation you provide is intangible), who want to codify their ideas in a book so their work can get out into the world in a bigger way.
Professionals leaving corporate to establish their own consultancy/coaching/speaking business, who recognise that a best-selling book is a key piece of infrastructure for creating credibility and authority. It's a tool that as a new business owner, you can use to attract high-quality clients.
Entrepreneurs and business owners who want to share their hard-won lessons in an inspirational, best-selling book, so they can build and explode their personal brand and expand into new opportunities.
Leaders in the community and inspiring humans who want to make a huge impact on the world, using their inspirational book as the vehicle to do so.
Internet marketers seeking to write a book to use inside their free+shipping offer or similar type of lead-generation funnel.
Any of the above people, who just KNOW in their heart it is time to write the book, get it out there, and move on to a new chapter of life or a new stage of business. Writing a book is the completion of a hero’s journey, so if you’ve been feeling incomplete, writing that book will be a beautiful completion.
In essence, if you are ready to rapidly expand your authority and credibility, and use your book to UNEARTH THE POWER OF YOUR MESSAGE and Accelerate Your Personal & Business Evolution -
The Online Book Writing INTENSIVE is for you.
How does it work?
FIRST - Once you join, our team will send you the welcome email, membership site logins and access to our private author's Facebook group.
SECOND - If you registered for the DIAMOND LEVEL Support, we will schedule your 1:1 Book Map Game Plan Session. (If you just join the Intensive - we have got you covered - we will do a Group Book Map Session in the pre-work).
THIRD - 2 weeks before the event, we commence the Pre-Work, which involves 2 x live online workshops, designed to give you confidence, clarity and direction for your book.
The workshops include:
In addition, you will receive our self-paced, 7-part ‘KICK-START’ Audio Series (audios between 5-45mins in length) that will get you primed with the best thinking & energy for your book.
All workshops are recorded if you cannot attend live.
FOURTH - for 7 full days from 2-8 JUNE 2025, it’s GO time for the Book Writing INTENSIVE live event! This event is pure, 100% connecting in, and getting-it-done flow state. We run live accountability check-ins every 4 hours for 7 days, so whatever country or time zone you are in, we have you covered!
Hi! I'm Dave Thompson, founder of the Inspirational Book Writers and the master at making ideas REAL in the physical world. I can ‘see’ and ‘feel’ your book often even before you can, with clarity and precision of the message coming through for you. With a background as a lawyer, and with 13+ years in the personal growth industry, I know what it takes on every level to write a unique, well-positioned book that accelerates your authority, impact and income. Since 2014, I’ve helped over 300 people bring inspirational, best-selling books to market, from coaches like Deidre Sirianni, Dane Tomas, Sigourney Weldon, Joanne Antoun, Michele Jones, Jean Sheehan, Salena Kulkarni, Stacey Ashley and Em Cambell-Pretty.
Davina Davidson, IBW Publishing Manager, has been hands-on in leading over 275 authors to write, publish and launch their best-selling books. She is known as ‘The Oracle’ for her other-worldly wisdom and intuition, which has added the special touch to the books she has supported. Davina is also a 2-time published, best-selling author, including the hit title: Resilient As F*ck; The subtle art of bending not breaking.
Keri Lynn, IBW Book Writing Coach for North America, is a trailblazer in the field of self-expression and sharing your message with the world. She has authored 4 books herself, including the international best-seller The New Wealth. She is also the host of the top-rated iTunes Podcast, The Wealth Alchemist. A force for good, Keri's work speaks to healing generational conditioning, and how that plays out in relationships, health and personal finances.
IBW Head Editor Rachel Warmath, has supported 145 IBW authors to write their inspirational best-selling book in just the last 3 years. Rachel knows the power of a book, having authored 7 books and 3 journals, including the 2024 best-selling release Creating Confidence. A prolific writer, Rachel writes the award-winning yoga blog 'Alive in the Fire'. Her work touches on healing, yoga, empowerment, embodiment, and transformation.
Opening Ceremony on the Monday morning, where we activate the flow and expression within you! This is the CATALYST for the Intensive week!
6 x LIVE Zoom Q&A Coaching Check-ins per 24hrs for the full 7 day event. Need help? We have you covered with direct access to me and my coaching team SIX times every day on live zoom calls. That means that regardless of where you are in the world, we have check-in times that will suit you!
6 x Accountability Check-ins per day. You get to report your progress and questions 6 times every day in the Facebook Group. This will be HUGE in helping you to keep up the momentum, get unstuck and make those micro-decisions that keep you moving. It's not compulsory to check-in at all of these - but we do find that the most successful and productive book writers are the ones checking in the most often!
Get Feedback on your Manuscript, with 2 x 1000 word Snippet Reviews available to you during the Intensive. Send in 1000 words and our team will give you advice on how to make it even better!
The Compelling Introduction Workshop. People judge a book by its cover - they also judge a book by its introduction. If it sucks, you’re tossed back onto the shelf. If it is compelling, enchanting, magnetising - chances are you’ve got yourself a raving fan reader, and hot potential client.
The Rockstar Book Title Workshop. Best-selling books have magnetic, rock star titles and sub-titles. The title and sub-title combination is often not done well. This workshop will make sure your book puts its best foot forward when it launches into the world.
Publish & Launch Preview Session. Now that you’ve written your book, we cover your next steps to take your book forward into Publishing and Launching your book to the world. This sessions gives you a "lay of the land" in the publishing industry, how we at IBW do it, including our step-by-step machine precisioned publishing process, AND how to launch your book to #1 Amazon Best Seller and beyond!
Unlimited Questions & Support, in the Facebook group during the Pre-Work and Intensive and during the week follow up. This is so valuable to help you make those many “micro-decisions” that you face when writing a book.
To be part of the epic group energy that is pumping in the group, with people from all over the world writing their book in a week. If you have had difficulty doing your book solo, this group energy will be exactly what you need to have success this time.
Closing Ceremony. It is important to celebrate your success, and the closing ceremony is the perfect opportunity to round out the week, and cast your eyes forward to the next steps for your book as it moves forward into being published and launched to the world.
Then after the Intensive, you will have a week’s follow up for any last questions before we close the book writing container.
The Write Your Best-Seller Membership site
1 year access to The Write Your Best-Seller Membership site, jam-packed with resources to support your writing journey.
The Book Writing KICK-START Audio Series
7 Audios over 7 Days of Kick-Start audio trainings direct from me to you - designed to activate, prime and get your mind, body and spirit connected with YOUR book, so that it flows out of you with grace and ease during the Intensive.
Complimentary Access to All 7 of My Books
On book writing, life, business, and accelerating your evolution. I especially recommend Write. Publish. Launch which was an international Amazon Best Seller, and will give you EVERYTHING you need to write a totally kick-ass, well positioned book.
Write Your Book in 2025!
Early Bird available until 4 April 2025 - use the code "2025" at checkout for $500 off!
Plans & Pricing
Find the plan that’s right for you.
$1495AUD or $550/m x 3
Use code: 2025 at checkout for $500 off! Valid til 4 April
Full Access to All Sessions - 7 Day Online Book Writing Intensive
Up to 5 Pre-work Session for Clarity, Confidence & Direction
Private June 2025 Authors Facebook Community
3 Specialty Workshops on Compelling Introductions, Rockstar Book Titles, & How To Publish + Launch
2 x 1000 Word Snippet Reviews (Live Feedback from our editors on your work)
1 Year Access to IBW's "Write Your Best Seller" Membership Site
Ebook versions of All 7 of Dave's Books
Diamond Level Intensive
$2995AUD or $1100/m x 3
Use code: 2025 at checkout for $500 off! Valid til 4 April
Full Access to All Sessions - 7 Day Online Book Writing Intensive
Up to 5 Pre-work Session for Clarity, Confidence & Direction
Private June 2025 Authors Facebook Community
3 Specialty Workshops on Compelling Introductions, Rockstar Book Titles, & How To Publish + Launch
2 x 1000 Word Snippet Reviews (Live Feedback from our editors on your work)
1 Year Access to IBW's "Write Your Best Seller Membership Site
Ebooks of All 7 of Dave's Books
DIAMOND inclusion - 90minute 1:1 Book Map Session with Dave Thompson to personally map out your book, in-depth.
DIAMOND inclusion - Direct WhatsApp Line with Dave Thompson for Text & Voice Messaging, Coaching, Feedback for the Duration of the Program
DIAMOND inclusion - Physical Copy of Dave's book, Write. Publish. Launch, shipped to your address.
The Group is OPEN NOW and registration
closes 11:58pm Brisbane time on
Friday 30th May 2025!
We appreciate that everyone has responsibilities with family/business/life. If you join us, you are making the commitment to block out the TIME and SPACE in your calendar to give your best effort in this program.
The short answer is no, you don't have to share, but we encourage you to show up. The magic in accessing the flow state of book writing happens because our authors show up to the workshops and live calls. That's the magic of being in the book writing container.
When you are doing something for the first time, it can be really helpful to have experienced eyes review your progress. The snippet review is designed to do exactly that. Send us a snippet of your work (up to 1000 words) and one of our book coaches will give you feedback on how you are going. You are welcome to ask for specific feedback, or more generally - it's up to you.
Great! This program will help you refine your message (most need a little refinement) and most importantly, GET IT DONE. There will be a HUGE finish energy focussing on completion!
You need to have some ideas of what you want to write about. Commonly, authors have loads of ideas and are not sure how to pull them all together in a powerful way. The Book Map session will advance your clarity CONSIDERABLY. If you're not sure, book a free Book Writer Development call with one of our IBW Coaches and we can talk it through. You can book that call here.
At the end of our time together in the Intensive - we will invite you to apply to join our Publish + Launch Program.
Publish + Launch is our done-for-you publishing and book launch coaching package, to help you finish the finer details of the book, Publish a high quality book, and launch it to #1 Amazon Best Seller and beyond.
If we mutually agree it's a fit, we will invite you to continue the momentum of the Intensive and join Publish + Launch.
However, it's not compulsory to come through to Publish + Launch with us, and we don't hard-sell. It's got to be an aligned decision for you and us.
If you already have a manuscript, but just need help publishing and launching it, check out our Publish + Launch program.
Because we have an international audience, we run the live book coaching check-in calls around the clock. The calls happen every 4 hours for the entire week.
The idea is to attend as many calls as is practical for you, in your timezone.
Most authors are attending 1-4 calls a day.
Each check-in call is a maximum of one hour (sometimes less), and you are free to do a "touch and go" check-in where you say hi and bye and get back to your writing.
The week has been designed so you can tailor the sessions to your schedule.
Recently, we had a single mum, who could only write at night, attend the evening check-ins only, and she completed her book by doing 4hrs per night for 7 nights.
© 2025 Inspirational Book Writers